Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Latest advancement in pathology research field

Welcome Message

Our organization, the World Class Open Access Publisher and Scientific Events Organizer are at an immense pleasure and pride in cordially inviting all interested and energetic participants/members all over the world to the 4th world congress on Pathology will be held on November 21st, 2021 as a webinar whose key motive is the Latest advancement in pathology research field.

Pathology 2021 aims in gathering experts, bosses and analysts working under wise gathering and social protection, industry, Business Delegates, Scientists and understudies over the globe to give an event to the spread of exceptional research happens as expected, new considerations and handy change experiences.

This Pathological get-together isn't simply influencing a stage to trade estimations to the huge to get together of people, yet in addition try to spread focused and research pushes in the clinical, clear and physiological parts of accommodating and organizing.

Meet the Global Inspiring Experts and Speakers at our Pathology 2021 to discuss on new advancements in the field of Pathology and related research for the supportive and sketching out to update the flourishing treatment and advanced changes. The journals are going about as feasible outlets for various researchers including specialists, aces and understudies and different acclaimed individuals from the related gathering.

This conference emphasizes the meeting of minds with great interest in Pathology and clinical laboratory medicine. This is an incredible opportunity for the representatives from Universities and Institutes to communicate with world-class Scientists. The intending participants can affirm their support by enlisting for the meeting alongside your partners. Benefit the early bird offer.

We have the pleasure to welcome you to our animating gathering. Let’s meet with a champion among-st the most splendid urban gatherings on the planet. We promise you for gaining a brilliant academic knowledge on Pathology from our conference.

Awaiting your presence at Pathology 2021!

Scientific Sessions

Session on Cytopathology & Histologic Pathology:

Cytopathology helps in the investigation of certain irresistible ailments, determination of tumours and other provocative conditions. It is the subdivision of Pathology that analyses illness on cell level. Histopathology concentrates on the basic variations that happen in cells, tissues and organs when presented to harmful foreign bodies. Histopathology is the research the utilization of different histopathological methods of cell variations from the norm and sickness forms in human tissues.

Related: HistopathologyconferencesCytopathologysymposiumHistopathologycongressCytopathologicalcongress | HistopathologicalmeetingCytopathologyworkshopHistopathologyevent|

Related conferences: International Conference on Breast Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European Pathology Congress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of Great Britain and IrelandAmerican Osteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society of Pathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Surgical pathology & Molecular pathology:

Surgical Pathology includes examination of a tissue specimen which is obtained by biopsy and surgical resections to render the diagnostic results. Tissue specimens can be obtained from different body parts which will be analysed by a surgeon or a non-surgeon. Whereas Molecular pathology is focused in the study and diagnosis of disease through the examination of molecules within organs, tissues or bodily fluids.

Related: SurgicalpathologyconferencesMolecularpathologysymposiumSurgicalpathologycongressMolecularpathologicalcongress | SurgicalpathologicalmeetingMolecularpathologyworkshopSurgicalpathologyevent|

Related conferences: International Conference on Breast Pathology and CancerD iagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European Pathology Congress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of Great Britain and IrelandAmerican Osteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society of Pathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Cancer Pathology:

Cancer Pathology deals with the study of unusual developing and multiplying portion of the body that are termed to be neoplasmsor tumours which is also known as Oncopathology. Basically, it is the branch of science dealing with Cancer. It includes study of malignant and non-malignant tumours, metastasis and carcinogenesis etc

Related: CancerconferencesOncopathologysymposiumOncologycongressOncopathologicalcongress | CancermeetingOncopathologyworkshopOncopathologyevent|

Related conferences: International Conference on Breast Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand Cancer Diagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European Pathology Congress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of Great Britain and IrelandAmerican Osteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society of Pathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Neuromuscular pathology:

Neuromuscular Pathology is a subspecialty area of neurology defined by special competence in the interpretation of muscle and nerve pathology. It differs from neuropathology because it is highly integrated with the clinical management of neuromuscular disease. Clinical Neuromuscular Pathology incorporates the evaluation of muscle and nerve biopsies in the context of clinical patient care.

Related: Neuromuscular conferences|Neuromuscular symposium|Neuromuscular congressNeuromuscular pathological congressNeuromuscular meetingNeuromuscular workshopNeuromuscular event|

Related conferences: International Conference on Breast Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European Pathology Congress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of Great Britain and IrelandAmerican Osteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society of Pathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Ophthalmic pathology:

Ophthalmologic Pathology deals with eye physiology, eye diseases and treatment modalities. It includes diagnosis and operates on eyes, by clinical techniques a multitude of diseases and conditions can be diagnosed from the eye. Ophthalmologic Pathology is mainly involved in studies and clinical findings of various eye disorders as well as procedures involved in the care of ophthalmic patients. It also consists of studies related to ophthalmic surgical studies, translational research and ocular therapeutics etc.

Related: Ophthalmologic conferences| Ophthalmologic symposium| Ophthalmologic congress|Eye pathological congressOphthalmologic meeting| Ophthalmologic workshop| Ophthalmologic event

Related conferences: International Conference on Breast Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on Laboratory Medicine & Pathology, July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European Pathology Congress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of Great Britain and IrelandAmerican Osteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society of Pathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Dermatopathology:

Dermatopathology is a joint subspecialty of dermatology and pathology and also to a lesser extent of surgical pathology that focuses on the study of cutaneous diseases at a microscopic and molecular level. Dermatopathology is a medical doctor who specializes in dermatology and pathology. Dermatopathology is a branch of medicine that studies cause and effects of diseases of skin.

Related: Dermatopathology conferences| Dermatopathology symposium| Dermatopathology congress| Dermatopathology congressDermatopathology meeting| Dermatopathology workshop| Dermatopathology event

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Hematopathology:

Haematology deals with illnesses identified with theblood. It includes diagnosing and further administration of ailments thatinfluence the creation of blood and its segments, for example, platelets,hemoglobin, blood proteins, bone marrow, platelets, veins, spleen, and thesystem of coagulation.  Major blooddisorders are thalassemia, hemophilia, general blood clusters, drainingclutters, blood growths and so forth.

Related: Haematology conferences|Haematology symposium|Haematology congress|Haematology congressHaematology meeting|Haematology workshop|Haematology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Dental Pathology:

Dental Pathology deals with the study, diagnosis,prevention, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the oralcavity, the oral mucosa, related structures and tissues, particularly in themaxillofacial (jaw and facial) area. Dental Pathology is not limited to teethbut includes other aspects of the craniofacialcomplex including thetemporomandibular joint and other supporting, muscular, lymphatic, nervous,vascular, and anatomical structures.

Related: Dental Pathology conferences|Dental Pathology symposium|Dental Pathology congress|Dental Pathology congressDental Pathology meeting|Dental Pathology workshop|Dental Pathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Soft tissue pathology:

Soft tissue pathology deals with the diagnosis andcharacterization of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the soft tissues,such as muscle, adipose tissue, tendons, fascia, and connective tissues. Many disordersof the soft tissues are challenging for the pathologist to diagnose throughgross examination and microscopy alone, and additional tools such asimmunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and molecular pathology techniquesare sometimes employed to obtain a definitive diagnosis.

Related: Soft tissuePathologyconferencesSoft tissuePathologysymposiumSoft tissuePathology congress|Soft tissuePathology congressSoft tissuePathology meeting|Soft tissuePathology workshop|Soft tissuePathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Bone/orthopaedic Pathology:

Orthopaedic Pathology deals with the study of bone andsoft tissue of the musculoskeletal system and disorders like tumours. It is a medicalspeciality concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignanttumours of bone and soft tissues. These tumours include Ewing sarcoma,osteosarcoma, and other malignancies that involve the musculoskeletal system.

Related: Orthopaedic PathologyconferencesOrthopaedic PathologysymposiumOrthopaedic PathologycongressOrthopaedic Pathologycongress | Orthopaedic Pathology meeting|Orthopaedic PathologyworkshopOrthopaedic Pathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Thoracic & Pulmonary Pathology:

Pulmonary pathology deals with the diagnosis andcharacterization of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the lungs andthoracic pleura whereas Thoracic pathology deals with conditions that affectthe lungs. Smoking, allergies, asthma, and infections like pneumonia ortuberculosis can cause breathing problems. Lung cancer and noncancerous tumorsof the lungs are also diagnoses to be considered.

Related: Pulmonary pathologyconferencesThoracic Pathology symposium|Pulmonary Pathology congress|Thoracic Pathology congressPulmonary Pathology meeting|Thoracic Pathology workshop|Pulmonary Pathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Endocrine pathology:

Endocrine pathology deals with either the overproductionor the underproduction of a hormone. Overproduction of a given hormone occursdue to hyperplasia of the organ that produces the hormone, by a neoplasticprocess, or by some combination of the two processes whereas Underproduction ofa given hormone, may be caused by either destruction of the gland that producesthe hormone or by conditions that deprive an endocrine organ of its normaltrophic influence.

Related: Endocrine pathologyconferencesEndocrine pathology symposium|Endocrine pathology congress|Endocrine pathology congressEndocrine pathology meeting|Endocrine pathology workshop|Endocrine pathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Cardiovascular Pathology:

Cardiovascular Pathology deals with the conditions thataffect the heart. Diseases of heart disease include blood vessel diseases, congenitalheart defects, among others. Heart disease term is often used interchangeablywith the cardiovascular disease. It generally refers to conditions that involvenarrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart failure, chest painor stroke. Many forms of heart disease can be prevented or treated with healthylifestyle choices.

Related: Cardiovascular pathologyconferencesCardiovascular pathologysymposiumCardiovascular pathologycongressCardiovascular pathologycongress | Cardiovascular pathologymeetingCardiovascular pathologyworkshopCardiovascular pathologyevent|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Nephropathology:

Nephropathology deals with the diagnosis, management andprognostication of medical renal diseases. It is important for thenephropathologists to have a close liaison with the nephrologists,immunologists, molecular biologists, and more recently geneticists in order tofacilitate accurate diagnosis of the renal diseases.

Related: Nephropathology conferences|Nephropathology symposium|Nephropathology congress|Nephropathology congressNephropathology meeting|Nephropathology workshop|Nephropathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Gastrointestinal Pathology:

Gastrointestinal pathology deals with the study of bodysamples for any disorders in stomach and intestine which forms the major partof the digestive system and is the key responsive factor for our wellbeing. MajorGastrointestinal disorders include conditions such as constipation, irritablebowel syndrome, haemorrhoids, anal fissures and fistula, perianal abscesses,perianal infections, diverticular diseases, colitis, colon polyps and cancer.

Related: Gastrointestinal pathologyconferencesGastrointestinal pathologysymposiumGastrointestinal pathologycongressGastrointestinal pathologycongress | Gastrointestinal pathologymeetingGastrointestinal pathologyworkshopGastrointestinal pathologyevent|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Neuropathology:

Neuropathology works with characterizing the pathogenesisof neurodegenerative diseases and disorders. Scientists are working withvarious treatment methods to overcome the conventional methods which decreasepatient’s ability to do their normal routine. Discovery of Staufen1, as a causeof several neurodegenerative diseases and the Autobiographical memory tests,paves way for advanced treatment.

Related: Neuropathology conferences|Neuropathology symposium|Neuropathology congress|Neuropathology congressNeuropathology meeting|Neuropathology workshop|Neuropathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Genitourinary pathology:

Genitourinary Pathology includes a range of disordersfrom those that are asymptomatic to those that manifest an array of signs andsymptoms. The major causes for these disorders include congenital anomalies,infectious diseases, trauma, or conditions that secondarily involve the urinarystructure.

Related: Genitourinary PathologyconferencesGenitourinary PathologysymposiumGenitourinary PathologycongressGenitourinary Pathologycongress | Genitourinary PathologymeetingGenitourinary PathologyworkshopGenitourinary Pathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Pathology:

Hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders are some of thecommonest disorders of the digestive system. Hepatobiliary Pathology includes aheterogeneous group of diseases of the liver and biliary system caused byviral, bacterial, and parasitic infections, neoplasia, toxic chemicals, alcoholconsumption, poor nutrition, metabolic disorders, and cardiac failure.

Related: Hepatobiliary PathologyconferencesPancreatic PathologysymposiumHepatobiliary PathologycongressPancreatic Pathology congressHepatobiliary PathologymeetingPancreatic Pathology workshop|Hepatobiliary Pathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Head and Neck Pathology:

Head and Neck Pathology deals with disorders andconditions of the ear, nose and throat region, mucosal and Mesenchymal lesionsof the upper aero digestive tract and lesions of the thyroid gland, parathyroidgland, eye and orbit.Patients seek treatment from otorhinolaryngologists afterthe report from pathologists for diseases of the ear, nose, throat, or base ofthe skull, and for the surgical management of cancers and benign tumors of thehead and neck.

Related: Head Pathology conferences|Neck Pathology symposium|Head Pathology congress|Neck Pathology congressHead Pathology meeting|Neck Pathology workshop|Head Pathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Breast Pathology:

Breast cancers can be divided into two main overarchinggroups: the carcinomas and the sarcomas. Carcinomas are cancers that arise fromthe epithelial component of the breast. The epithelial component consists ofthe cells that line the lobules and terminal ducts; under normal conditions,these epithelial cells are responsible for making milk. Carcinomas comprise thevast majority of all breast cancers, and will be further discussed below.

Related: Breast Pathology conferences|Breast Pathology symposium|Breast Pathology congress|Breast Pathology congressBreast Pathology meeting|Breast Pathology workshop|Breast Pathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Placental Pathology & Gynaecologicpathology:

Gynecologic pathology is the medical pathology dealingwith the study and diagnosis of disease involving the female genital tract. Aphysician who practices gynecologic pathology is a gynecologic pathologistwhereas placental disorders are called placenta previa, placenta accreta,placenta increta or placenta percreta. Placental disorders are usuallydiagnosed by ultrasound in the second trimester which cause serious bleedingand other complications later in pregnancy.

Related: Placental PathologyconferencesGynaecologic pathologysymposiumPlacental Pathology congress|Gynaecologic pathologycongress | Placental Pathology meeting|Gynaecologic pathologyworkshopPlacental Pathology  event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Paediatric Pathology:

Pediatric pathology deals with the diagnosis andcharacterization of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of children. PaediatricPathology operation is the clinical practice which includes the surgery offoetuses, infants, youngsters, teenagers and teenagers. This field is extremelychallenging due to its exhaustive breadth of developmental, neoplastic,infectious, and genetic illnesses.

Related: Pediatric PathologyconferencesPediatric pathology symposium|Pediatric Pathology congress|Pediatric pathology congressPediatric Pathology meeting|Pediatric pathology workshop|Pediatric Pathology  event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Digital Pathology:

The future of Pathology is going digital. Digital Pathologyis a revolution in the arena of Pathology as it creates an image-based databaseby capturing and analysing glass slide. It enables managing the information by computer technology and hence itis also known as virtual microscopy. Over 33 companies across the world areproviding hardware and software services related to digital pathology.

Related: Digital Pathology conferences|Digital Pathology symposium|Digital Pathology congress|Digital Pathology congressDigital Pathology meeting|Digital Pathology workshop|Digital Pathology event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).

Session on Pathology case reports:

Detailed reports on assessing and diagnosing the diseasecondition of a plant or animal or human and to know the signs and symptoms alongwith diagnosis and treatment is a case report. Pathology case reports usuallyshow unknown occurrence of a particular disease and it is essential to know thecause and cure of the same.

Related: Pathology case reportsconferencesPathology case reportssymposiumPathology case reportscongressPathology case reportscongress | Pathology case reportsmeetingPathology case reportsworkshopPathology case reports event|

Related conferences: International Conference on BreastPathology and CancerDiagnosis, August 12, 13, 2019, Boston, USA; International Conference on LaboratoryMedicine & Pathology,July 22-23, 2019, London, UK; 15th International Conference on Surgical Pathologyand CancerDiagnosis, April 15-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany; 17th European PathologyCongress, May 9-10, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Related Societies/Associations: American Society for ClinicalPathology (ASCP); College of American Pathologists(CAP); United States and Canadian Academyof Pathology (USCAP); European Society of Pathology(ESP); The Pathological Society of GreatBritain and IrelandAmericanOsteopathic Board of Pathology (AOBP); International Academy of Pathology(IAP); California Society of Pathologists(CSP); Royal College of Pathologist (RCP); Los Angeles Society ofPathologists (LASOP); World Association of Societies ofPathology and Laboratory Medicine (WASPLM).


Market Analysis

Pathology covers each part of the patient’s mind, beginning from diagnostics to treatment advises and aversion. Pathologists engage with specialists, physicians, scientists, medical assistants, and medicinal services experts in clinics and General practitioner's surgeries to analyze, forestall and treat sickness.

The Worldwide Market of pathology is anticipated to $437 million by 2018 with a CAGR of 11.8% from 2013 to 2018. As indicated, there are 24,785 pathologists working with patients in Australia and it has reached revenue of 3 billion dollars with a compound annual growth rate of 1.6% between 2014 and 2019.

The key factors influencing the evolution of this market include increasing prevalence of cancer, increasing adoption of digital pathology to enhance lab efficiency, increasing initiatives by governments & industry players, ease of consultation, and mounting bids of digital pathology in medical development and companion diagnostics.



The worldwide market for anatomic pathology will possibly improve up at a consistent pace of 6.5% from 2017 to 2025, estimation of a report done by Transparency Market Research. At this pace, the market is anticipated from US$17,318.0 Mn in 2016 to US$30,314.5 Mn by the end of 2025.

Pathology usage increases with an increase in the prevalence of diseases and with mounting diseased population. Pathology is used globally for applications influencing research by academic personalities, disease diagnosis in clinical and healthcare centers, and in the discovery of new drugs.


Disease Diagnosis which is recorded to be $11.9 billion in the year 2013 is about to reach $13.1 billion by 2019 with a developing CAGR of 1.6% between 2014 and 2019. Drug discovery is relied upon to reach $85.8 billion by 2022 from $54.7 billion by 2017 with a development in CAGR up to 9.4% from 2017 to 2022.

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